
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Congratulations Giveaway Winner!

  So I finally got around to finishing up the list of entries and selecting the giveaway winner!  About 400 people entered, what an amazing turnout!  A lot of you also left really great suggestions, I really appreciate all of those thoughts and ideas, and I will try to make at least some of those thoughts happen soon.  And now, on to the giveaway winner...

Freshie from Polish Freshie!


  Thank you so much to all of those who entered.  I also hope that at least some of you who have been commenting so much throughout the giveaway continue to comment - I love reading what you have to say!  Thank you all again, this blog wouldn't have made it a year without all of your support!

  I already have some ideas for a couple of smaller upcoming giveaways, so stay tuned! 

Leo - up close and personal