
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Some Amazing Promos from ZOYA!

  I wanted to share with you all a couple of cool promos from Zoya, one of my new favorite nail polish brands.  I am sure most of you have seen these already but just in case you haven't, check out these awesome announcements!

FREE Zoya Color Spoon Friday!

Here's how it works...
First pick any 6 colors you would like to try on... Add the matching Zoya Color Spoon to your shopping cart on zoya.com. Add SP6 as your code. Process order. Zoya will ship them to you for FREE! Plus you will automatically earn a $3 Zoya Color Spoon credit code for use on a future zoya.com purchase. Feel free to order more at the regular price if you would like (shipping is always free on Zoya Color Spoons).

Zoya Color Spoons allow you try on nail color before you make a color commitment. Now you can see exactly how a color will look on you before you buy it. 


To learn more about Zoya Color Spoons and how easy they make it to find the perfect nail polish color see the video here.


   Color spoons are an awesome way to check out these polishes before you buy them, to see what the polish really looks like and how it works with your skin tone.  Plus, you get a $3 credit towards buying one (or more) of the colors you try!  There is no way to go wrong here - go start picking out your colors for tomorrow!

Facebook Fans Giveaway


  Okay this one is pretty self explanatory and also awesome - go "Like" the Zoya page on Facebook, and if they reach 20,000 by January 3rd, 2011, all of their fans get a code for three free nail polishes.  Sounds like an amazing way to pick up some of the colors you try out from your free color spoons.... they are SO close (19,423 as I write this), so if you haven't already go LIKE ZOYA NAIL POLISH!

1 comment:

  1. The Free Spoon code is still working on Sunday afternoon....I just used it! Looks like the code for the three polishes won't be given out until 1/3/2011 for the fb offer...
