
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

OPI Serena Williams Grand Slam England

  I have loved pretty much all of the Serena collections that have come out so far... but I have to say this one is by far my favorite.  That is saying something, trust me!  This collection consists of two gorgeous shiny colors plus an amazing holo glitter topcoat!

You Royal Shine-ness
Silver foil.  Perhaps not the most unique polish in the world, but for a foil it has a really nice formula.  This was two coats, and I had no problems with streaking, which can be a problem with foils.  If you are looking for a great silver foil this is a nice one.

Your Royal Shine-ness + Servin' Up Sparkle

Two coats of Servin' Up Sparkle layered on top.  This is a gorgeous holo small + large hex glitter in a clear base.  I love this for layering!  On top of Your Royal Shine-ness is makes a super sparkly silver look.

Grape... Set... Match

My favorite polish of this collection!  It is a gorgeous red-toned purple full of purple, blue, and pink shimmer.  The shimmer gives it a bit of a duochrome effect.  It is a truly gorgeous polish - these pictures do not do it justice!  I used two coats here, and it looked fine indoors... but as you can see (especially on the pinky) it was a tad thin so three coats is really necessary for full opacity.

In full sun you can see a bit more of the red-toned nature of this polish, as well as a bit more of that sparkle!

Grape Set Match + Servin' Up Sparkle

One coat of the glitter on top - I adore this combo!  It will definitely be a full mani sometime soon... possibly to a K-State game?  :)  I took this one a tad fuzzy to try to give a better impression of the holo glitter.

Overall... love this collection!  Grape... Set... Match and Servin' Up Sparkle are must-haves in my opinion, and Her Royal Shine-ness is a very nice silver foil.    A great set of polishes by OPI!

DISCLOSURE: The polishes featured in this post  were provided to Polishology by OPI for review purposes.  This is an honest and independent review and was in no way influenced by the company.